Sławek Kapłoński
Senior software engineer, Red Hat

In 2010 Slawek joined OVH first as 1st line of technical support and in 2013 became devops engineer in Public Cloud R&D team where he was involved in development of OpenStack-based Public Cloud service.
Since 2015 he is also active contributor and reviewer of OpenStack Neutron and OpenStack Shade/SDK projects as well as leader of Neutron QoS subteam.
In December 2017 he started serving OpenStack community as member of Neutron and SDK core reviewers teams.
He was welcome to Red Hat family in April 2018, where he works as senior software engineer and continues to develop networking solutions for OpenStack.

How to become OpenStack upstream developer – introduction and useful tips.
This presentation will bring you closer to the OpenStack community collaboration aspects.
As a core contributor to the neutron project I will give useful tips on how You can contribute to the OpenStack and what can be done to make code changes being approved and merged quickly.
Reshaping code is fun, but with support of useful tools it’s even greater joy, which you will learn during this talk from the OpenStack developer perspective.