Rafał Skóra
Senior IT Project Manager / Solution Architect, Eskom

Involved professionally with the IT sector since 2006. His professional career he has commenced as IT systems’ administrator, currently experienced Project Manager with analytical business skills specialising in Hybrid IT and DevOps solutions for the insurance sector and the public sector.
Rafał commands over 10 years’ of practical experience in realising IT projects in connection with the provision of advanced hardware and software solutions for small, medium and large-sized companies. His unique knowledge is supported by numerous certificates, among others. Master Accredited System Engineer provided by Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) or Certified Associate in Project Management – Project Management Institute. A visionary and a committed leader, who provides a helping hand in filling in the gaps between business and technology, qualified in all phases of the development cycle starting from the initial phase / costs’ definition and generation of requirements, through designing, resourcing, development, testing, training and implementation.
At ESKOM company, he assists clients in making their choices and in implementing the most optimal IT solutions for their business sector.
He graduated from the Technical University of Kraków as electric and computer engineer, as well as from the SGH Warsaw School of Economics where he has completed postgraduate studies in IT management of corporations.

Red Hat OpenStack dla Open DevOps!
Omówienie korzyści z uruchomienia gotowego środowiska DevOps bazującego na HPE Synergy oraz stacku technologicznym firmy Red Hat (Red Hat OpenStack, OpenShift, CloudForms, Ansible).
Przedstawienie korzyści z wdrożenia narzędzi i platform dla DevOps na przykładzie klienta z administracji publicznej.